Thursday, July 23, 2009

A new milestone and something smoky...

On Tuesday I took the day off and brewed up two batches of beer, hopefully to be ready in time for a guys weekend in August. Another cream ale and a new recipe, hickory smoked robust porter. I smoked the malt myself for one hour using my grill as a makeshift smoker. It worked well, but I was a little worried about getting too much smoke in the final product. I ended up only putting 2lbs of the smoked malt in a 12.5gal batch (most recipes call for ~3lbs for a 6gal batch). Hickory is a strong flavor, hopefully it will come out good!

First ever pale ale on draft, and quite tasty. What? Hops?

Thursday, July 09, 2009

More Beer, Filtering, and Beer Runs!

So tonight I am "planning" to do my first filtered beer. I have a keg of brown, a keg of Pale, and a Bohemian pilsner, all of which I am planning to run through my new filter. I'm interested to see how it changes the taste profile...

This weekend I am hoping to brew another cream ale, and next weekend the smoked porter. I still want to do either more bo-pils or an oktoberfest. Man, so much beer to brew, and so little time!

Oh, and the second "beer run" is Saturday!