Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lagering Cave

Most homebrewers would get a chest freezer from the Wal-Mart and set it up for lagering using a secondary temperature control (Johnson Controls). Not me! Derick (the brains behind Drank Tank) found a bar that was closing down and gave me rights on the keg cooler since all he wanted was a tap tower for his kegerator. Well after a dead compressor, coolant recharges, and some help from a refrigeration expert I was able to resurrect the old Perlick. It has room for about 8 5gal kegs or 4 carboys. Lagering here I come!

1 comment:

dshular said...

And lagering here I come! Looks like you might have room for another carboy or two in there, right? I'll be brewing the OKTOBERFEST this weekend (I THINK my yeast is finally ready)