Drowning Sorrows...
After miserable play by my Wolfpack and Carolina Panthers I was reminded that there still is good in this world...good beer. Another six-pack of Sammy's Oktoberfest to wash away the memories of a raunchy weekend. My Dog was again ill, and pooed on my carpet. I'm worried about him, mostly because he's lost 24lbs and all my expertise at GAINING weight does not seem to work as well on dogs (That and most Little Debbie snacks have chocolate in them).
Brewing Update:
Brewed 2 times this weekend, and continue to struggle with the efficiency of my brewery and wort volumes. I ended up with over a gallon "extra" on the first batch, and lower gravity than expected on the second. Irish Jim transferred his beer to secondary.
On Tap - 7-day mild (now much tastier after over 21 days), and Acorn Lager (still not ready).
Fermenting -Ultra-Light Irish Red, Strong that only made it to Brown ale.
Secondary - Imperial Cockhammer (Irish Jim's try at the Pittsburgh amber)
Bottle Carbonating - Hard Cider
I'm usually not one to advise a slightly more experienced brewer in what they should do... but sounds like you're two problems... low gravity and too much wort, are easily fixable by just boiling longer... boil off more water will raise the gravity.
That would work, and I considered it, but boiling wort longer also affects the malts chemical bonds. As it boils it will begin to caramelize, which may not fit the style I am trying to make (Scottish ales are boiled longer for just that purpose, but a brown ale should not)...
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